Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Song of the Day. Austin.

Title: Austin
Artist: Blake Shelton
Album: Blake Shelton

I still remember the first time I heard this song.
It was a weekday and I had just finished a strenuous dance company rehearsal.
I was in the parking lot getting ready to head home when this song started playing on the radio.
It caught my attention at once.
I was sucked into the story and moving with the melody instantly.

I tried to find the song when I got home but my attempt was a failure.
Every now and then I would try again but with no success.
A year later I was working at a day care, it was nap time and one of my fellow teacher's iPod was playing and this song came on again.
I got super excited and soaked in the song for the second time.

It wasn't until about another year later that I found this mystery song.
I was watching season 2 of the voice on the internet when I realized I didn't know that much about Blake Shelton.
I looked up his biography and discography and discovered that Austin was one of his hits back in

I love this song and I'm very happy to share it with you.
It will pull at your heart strings and guide you along the path of a longing love story with it's interesting twist of a love message left on an answering machine.
If for no other reason watch this video JUST to check out his mullet!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Real. Charley Jenkins and Chris Cagle. June 2, 2012

My sister and I were driving home from the store when I switched the radio on to Z104
A song faded to the end and then I heard "come see Charley Jenkins tonight at 7:00...."
and you can bet your buttons I was flying outta my seat telling my sister to look up the details for the show on her iPhone.
There was no time to lose!

She got the information for it as I sped home.
I bounced into the house and told my mom how badly I wanted to go.
This is what summer is all about for me.
It's going to out door concerts and feeling the live music and loving every second of it.
It's nonstop smiles and a lot of screaming and dancing.
I'm not talented when it comes to music but I'm talented at loving it, that's for sure.
So I took my mom, sister, 5 year old cousin, and my talent and headed to Eagle Mountain for a great show.

The line of cars to get to the concert park was insane.
Traffic was backed up about 2.3 miles and moving slower than a snail.

This picture does no justice because it messes up the depth perception and the cars look too small! It was a long line though!
By the time we were 1.6 miles away people were pulling over and parking on the side of the street.
Not willing to risk my chances I convinced my fellow concert friends it was time to get out and walk.
And walk we did.
The sun was beating down and sweat was starting to appear but I was so giddy and happy inside.
As we got closer this is the sight I saw...

That is a lot of people considering this event was for the Pony Express Days, which is a local celebration.
I walked so fast blisters popped up on the bottom of my feet, but nothing was going to slow me down.
We missed about 30 minutes of Charley Jenkins which I was sad about but I was still elated just to be there.
I can't describe the feeling I get when I attend a concert, all I can say is it makes me come alive.

Chris Cagle was great as well.
He was in the middle of a song when he had to stop a drunk guy from fighting.
He had the band stop playing and called security over and had the guy removed.
He said we have people over sees fighting for our freedoms we should not be fighting among ourselves, and he's right.
Chris invited a little boy that, my guess is, was frightened by the drunk man to sit on stage for the remainder of the show.
There was tension in the air but it subsided as the song went on.

After Chris finished "Beautiful Day" he got emotional.
He told us that he was so humbled to see that so many people had come out to the show, he usually is an opening act not the headliner.
He expressed his appreciation and gratitude to everyone and said he felt very blessed.
Then over the headset someone informed him that this concert had broken a record for the most attended event for the Pony Express Days ever.
He was chocked up and I could feel that he felt like this night was a true gift.
He said the only thing that would make it better is if he could share it with his wife. 

He opened up to the audience and talked about his farm in Oklahoma and his two children.
Chris pulled a Garth Brooks move when he took the camera from the camera man and made a playful face into it and then turned it to the crowd signifying that we deserved to be seen too.
We were just as much of a highlight as he was.
 An artist is nothing without the support of their true fans.
Chris said it's not about getting on stage and just doing a show, it's about interacting with the people and feeding off their reactions.

The night came to a close and right before I drifted off into wonderful dreams of live music my sister asked me what makes country music country music.
I tried to answer her the best that I could.
I told her that traditional country songs usually follow a storyline and have fiddles, steel guitars, and twang.
But music is always evolving with the times.
I decided you can't put it in a confined box and give it boundaries.
Country music may mean different things to different people, but the one thing that will always be consistent with country music is the feeling behind it.
Country music is about real life and relating to real people.
It's about feeling real emotion whether it's happy or sad.
So if I had to say what country music is in one word I would say...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Song of the Day: The River, Garth Brooks

Every word of this song mirrors how I feel about following my dreams.
The time to act is now, it's today.
I'm not satisfied, I want to chance the rapids and dance the tide.
Anything worth pursuing is going to be scary, but nothing will be more rewarding than living the dreams my heart desires.


You know a dream is like a river
Ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel
That must follow where it goes
Trying to learn from what's behind you
And never knowing what's in store
Makes each day a constant battle
Just to stay between the shores...and

I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry

Too many times we stand aside
And let the waters slip away
'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow
Has now become today
So don't you sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance the tide...and

I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry

There's bound to be rough waters
And I know I'll take some falls
But with the good Lord as my captain
I can make it through them all...and

I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry

Yes, I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
'Til the river runs dry

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

DJ Miller

I've hit the jack pot on this find.
DJ Miller is from Idaville Indiana, he's 21 years old and he's working his way up the country star ladder one rung at a time.
His father, Darryll Miller, was in a country band when DJ was a little boy.
Often times he would accompany his father on stage.
His microphone was a toilet plunger with a microphone duct taped to the handle.
Talk about a glamorous start!

The first time I saw DJ Miller was at a Mark Wills concert in the summer of 2011.
He opened the show and had such an amazing presence.
He knows how to own a stage, that's for sure.
Miller believes that the ability to entertain a crowd is the single most important thing when it comes to a live show.
I absolutely agree with his philosophy.
He loves getting involved with the crowd, running around the stage, and singing love ballads to his female fans.

“You can’t be the only one having fun,” Miller explains. “You have to interact with the crowd. You want them to be wondering what’s gonna happen next. If you just stand there and sing your songs and play your music, you might sound really good, but if you don’t give your fans a real show, then they may not have a reason to come back and see you again.” -DJ Miller

Miller grew up watching Garth Brooks concerts on his TV set and has been strongly influenced by his high-energy-guitar-smashing shows.
He also grew to appreciate Brad Paisley's guitar shredding solos, which has had an effect on DJ Miller's live show.

“I would tape the Garth Brook's live concerts on television as a little kid and then watch them over and over,” he remembers. “I saw him do all these crazy things on stage, but the crowd loved every minute of it, and I recognized that. It was at that point that I decided I wanted to go into Country music.” -DJ Miller

DJ got started at a young age. He would play where ever he could; state fairs, talent shows, you name it.
Things really started taking off for him when he met producer Jonny Morris in 2009.

Every fan has a place in DJ's heart and he wants everyone to have an exceptional experience at one of his concerts.

“It’s always important to make that person in the front row feel special,” he says, “but to me, the real key is making that person in the back row feel just as special.” -DJ Miller

Don't take my word for it though, hear it from DJ himself.
He will steal your heart like he did mine with this video.
Everything he says about country music is how I feel about it, it's real.

Listen to "Between Sundays".
Visit his website.
Here is another fun video to help you get to know him better.
DJ live.

I hope y'all enjoy him and his music as much as I do!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Charley Jenkins

Every time I find an artist that I think is amazing I get super excited and do a little research on them.
I think where people come from and their story is so important because often times it influences their music greatly.
What's really cool is Charley Jenkins is from my mom's hometown, and without knowing him I can recognize some of his influences because I know that land.
I know those people.
When he singings the words "A helping hand is just a stone's throw away. You're standing on solid ground when you're standing in this town. Love thy neighbor; it's all about, round here" I can relate to that.
I have memories of being a little girl and visiting my granddaddy's farm and helping people or visa versa.
I have personally been touched by that place.
I love that there is a song that captures the feeling of that town.
When Roosevelt's very own Charley Jenkins made his first album "Round Here" neighbors, friends, and family teamed up to raise $15,000 to help him record it.
Charley Jenkins was on a tv show called Nashville star (the same show Miranda Lambert got her start.)
Charley made it to the top 12.

His accomplishments in country music go on.
He as three albums out "Round Here" "Ridin" and "Hold On".
He has joined the following artists on stage:
Taylor Swift
Jason Aldean
Lady Antebellum
LeAnn Rhimes
Kellie Pickler
Emerson Drive
and many others.

His career is just starting.
I'm on the fan train with no return ticket!
I hope you will give him a listen because if you do, you too, will be ready to board this one way train.

Click here to listen to "Hold On"


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Due West

Last night I went to a musical performance at the tabernacle in Salt Lake City.

It was spectacular.

Billy Dean, Thurl Bailey, Due West, Nashville Tribute Band, David Osmond, and many others sang and shared their musical talents.

I met a wonderfully kind woman there, her name was Nancy and she introduced me to the members of the Due West band.

They were so kind and humble.

I love their music.

Matt Lopez is from Wyoming and his song writing abilities helped him break into the the music business. He helped write the song "Love's Lookin' Good on You", which the popular Country band Lady Antebellum picked up.

Brad Hull's roots are in Arizona. He started learning to play the guitar when he was eleven years old. He studied the music business a lot and learned what to look for in a songwriter and about songs and how they make money.

Tim Gates was born and raised in Utah. He started out as a social worker and made his way into the music business. He feels that music is another way he can help people.

They all work hard on their music, and they bring real emotions to the people who listen to them.

I, personally, go my first laugh line last night. I didn't stop smiling the whole time they were on stage.

Help support them in their endeavor.

Read about how their band got together here. {It's a great story!}
Get a feel for their music here. {You won't stop listening!}
Find them on Facebook here. {And like 'em!}

They perform all around Utah, they are great live, you need to see them.

Billy Dean and me
Ang, me, Jason Deere, and Kenzie

Ang, Brad Hull, me, and Kenzie 

Ang, me, Matt Lopez, and Kenzie

fuzzy picture of us with Diamond Rio's Dan Truman